
Showing posts from August, 2019


For so long I have been on this internal quest of self-discovery which has led me to some dead ends, however, for all of the perceived failures I have triumphs that has literally taken my breath away. Tonight I had the pleasure of proving to myself that when I have faith in God, and meet that faith with a sense of action and purpose I will almost get immediate positive results. In short, that energy has filtered into my professional life too, as I feel that I've found my stride as a professional. That stride is starting to feel more fluid, and natural versus the former ridged movements of a young man who wasn't so sure of his abilities. My current professional persona has me right in the forefront of leading a movement within my company, as we cane wear what we want, so there are no airs just intelligence and action. It feels good to say the least. This endeavor that was achieved tonight almost brought tears to my eyes, because it is a dream come true. It is a manifestation