
Showing posts from February, 2012

Purpose Driven Life

It has been sometime since I last wrote an entry on this site, but due to my sister-in-law, I am feeling creative. So I will like to dedicate this entry to she and her purpose driven life, because she is a Gem. :-) Today's post is dedicated to random times in life that make the biggest changes for our future. My last official post was in July of 2010, and I can truly say that what appeared to be huge obstacles two years ago have subsided to nuggets of wisdom in my noggin. Two years ago, I was still mourning the lost(break-up)(dwelling) of a loved one that I'd held so dearly to my heart, I'd also mourned the lost of a broken friendship and the frustration of living life as I knew it by myself. It was a damning affect on my self-esteem, because I honestly had no idea who I was without those people in my life. However, I am a firm believer in dying parts to create a new start. Parts of me had to completely die out in order for me to inhale fresh air again. I had to let