
Showing posts from 2009

The White Glove Test...

I love ending chapters in books and in life, because they give you so much more to look forward to in the future... I dedicate this entry to the departure of a neurotic perfectionist and the welcoming of a human being... I am without a doubt stepping in my own stride. Internally it has always been there, but currently I've come to grips why I was so out of tune with my flow, my mojo. To simply state what "It" is, would be entirely out of my character, so I'm going to draw it out as I normally do things. In earlier post, if they were read thoroughly, you probably would have gathered that I was some type of toured soul who needed to purge himself of life's hardships, and your guess would be somewhat in the ballpark of where I really was mentally. My mind is a labyrinth of ideas, emotions and expectations, normally void of reason when I am in "search" of myself. I do, however, for sake of sanity try and keep a smile on my face to avoid th

You're Toxic....

This entry is dedicated to all whom have fostered that poisonous relationships.... Erykah Badu has a song for you. Bag+Lady(Man)= Revelation ... Or as she says, "Pack Light... Ooooo....Ooooo" "You tried me again," is what echos in the caverns of my head, as I search for reason's unknown to me, as to why you are still in my life. I'm sure I'm not the only person in this world who has given 2nd and 3rd chances to that most undeserving person, who time and time again finds new ways to reinvent themselves as disappointments. I see harboring Toxic relationships as I see for people who work a dead end job; it leads to nowhere. Toxic relationships don't just fall in the romantic realm, but they can be your friends as well, to me which is worse. Being that most people who are considered friends are deserving of 2nd and 3rd chances, because lets face it your friends can cause some damage unintentionally in your life. However, those "Toxic" fr

A Wedding: From the eyes of the Bestman....

This day has finally come... 9/19/09 This entry is dedicated to My brother and his beautiful wife... Don't forget to make beautiful memories together... The entire week my mind was in a tailspin, I knew that he was ready, but was I ready to let him go. "This wedding was just announced yesterday," I pondered to myself as I scrambled to pack my bags. Those who know the Jackson brothers know that we are down for each other no matter what. If I could explain the bond we share with each other in one sentence, that sentence would never end... Embarking on this trip I knew that emotionally I was going to be tore down, because I was losing a piece of myself and it is the best thing for him. The silver lining to this cloud is that I've gained two sisters to torment, my brother and his wife started a new life together and I finally made it to the west coast after years of waiting. So I finally finished packing my 52lb suit case and I set off to old wes

Going home....

What is it about death that scares some of us?... This entry is dedicated to any and every person who has lost a loved one... While on Earth we have forgotten how small we are in this universe. We have forgotten that once upon a time we were bright stars in the sky that gave onlookers hope as they prayed for strength. We also have forgotten that we are the very thread that God used to build all that we know... Our life has a bigger purpose than meets the eye. I do believe that while on this Earth we must make the most of all that we know in life. Making the most of falling in love and heartbreak, laughing until you cry or crying until you laugh, also winning and losing... Loving someone is eternal and timeless; it never dies. Simply stated loving an individual outweighs any of our worldly possessions or any grudge that we hold near and dear to our heart. Again we are just a part of a whole. Love becomes that glue that bonds us to the next person, so therefore yes it is hard whe

Not your average smoke in mirrors...

Lessons in life are acquired through just living and I title today's blog... "When people show you their true selves, believe them..." No one, including myself, wants to admit fault when choosing an asshole for a friend, date, love interest or whatever. The main objective is to eliminate these specific individuals out of your life, and to clear your mind of the bad decision that you have made... Simple enough, but what happens when the asshole doesn't want to be removed... A gun, right? LOL so many times this has happen and I tend to ask myself the same question, "Why me?"... The first lesson I have taught myself, is to watch for the warning signs of randomness that we all posses, however, these crazies usually tell on themselves with their actions... Contradictions are key... especially when the person themselves has a pet peeve about something that they do I am not perfect by the stretch of the imagination, but I do strive to correct

We were once kings...

This entry is to all my African American brothers and sisters... Growing up in the south one tends to see life in a different way. Some will say that southerners' thought processes are slower than most, but we tend to fair better in life, or maybe that's my own personal opinion lol. One issue I will say that looms in the dark, no pun intended, is race. First off race in America is one of those issues that have not been discussed in a effective way... Still to this day is the race card is played, old wounds will resurface and hate still is the driving force behind any view point... Well instead of discussing who's right or wrong I would like to speak to my African American siblings, and ask some pertinent questions that just spin my mind sometimes... I've always had a hard time understanding why are we so hard on each other in a negative way? It's almost as if we have the inability to see people as they are... As a people we don't ever take the blame for the


When in a soul search sometimes your voice becomes one note... It take days like Sundays to lift your voice to the high heavens. After reading some of my blogs I would be remiss not to mention that I do love life. Sometimes while searching for answers I can be careless in not recognizing my blessings. I have a wonderful family that loves me dearly, a future full of promise and piece of mind some of the time...hey nobody's perfect. In my journey into permanent manhood I find myself not looking for the evil negatives that lurk in the world, more so the ending of dreams and beginning of new ones. I'm more acceptable to being in tune with the world, learning more about God's miracles and living each day as if its my last. I am grateful for waking up each day and knowing that today I am one step closer to my goals. The motivating force behind the very life that drives me is being surrounded by positive individuals. Even if its just over the phone... This entry is about celebrati

Mistress Mad...

This post is dedicated to open ears... Living in the now can leave you feeling drained and anger starts to fester.... which leads me to the current topic for your viewing pleasure...anger. Personally, anger has become the mistress in my life and the bitch won't leave. She feeds off my emotion, leaves me at the drop of a dime, only to plague someone else who's happy. Deeply rooted in my thoughts, she has found her way into all accounts of my life....which sucks... As of right now I have undertaken a quest to kill this nuisance... I've partly found that I have triggers that send me from zero to 60 or as I often phrase them, Donald Duck Quack Attacks if you can imagine the animation when I blow the hell up... Anywho, one of the main triggers for me is personal space or others lack of respect for personal space.(Shot in the Dark) Let's face it some people have no clue of what personal space is, because they constantly have to have others in theirs. I am not that typ


Ok.... I was challenged to start a blog that's relatable to others and hopefully the writing will do for me what it has done for writers in the past.....yada yada yada... For the life of me I could not figure out a title that would sum up any advice I could give anyone, and then all of a sudden it came to me....just like an It's early bear with me.... Well I figured a shot in the dark is relatable due to the fact that no one really knows the magnitude of any issue especially when they are giving the advice until all is revealed... The person giving the advice is in the dark and the only way to reach out is to Or you can look at it another way. You could be in the dark and blindly step out on faith for help. Stepping out is the shot in the dark, because no one knows how the situation will play out. You do, however, know that you took a shot in the dark... Are you following me?... Ok cool. Many people are going to say to themselves that&#