
Showing posts from September, 2009

A Wedding: From the eyes of the Bestman....

This day has finally come... 9/19/09 This entry is dedicated to My brother and his beautiful wife... Don't forget to make beautiful memories together... The entire week my mind was in a tailspin, I knew that he was ready, but was I ready to let him go. "This wedding was just announced yesterday," I pondered to myself as I scrambled to pack my bags. Those who know the Jackson brothers know that we are down for each other no matter what. If I could explain the bond we share with each other in one sentence, that sentence would never end... Embarking on this trip I knew that emotionally I was going to be tore down, because I was losing a piece of myself and it is the best thing for him. The silver lining to this cloud is that I've gained two sisters to torment, my brother and his wife started a new life together and I finally made it to the west coast after years of waiting. So I finally finished packing my 52lb suit case and I set off to old wes